Pole formed in 1997 to study conflict during The Congo Wars. They grew into a resource for community leaders, students, and researchers.

  • Pole focuses on cultural, political, and economic studies.

  • The Institute has a vast library of original research papers on conflict studies in the Great Lakes region of DR Congo. The context of their research is local, and includes data on local tribes around the region, influence by militia activities, and gender studies.

  • They have an initiative that works locally with women’s groups to find viable ways of cultivating positive masculinity to combat sexual violence, treat trauma through counseling, and raise women’s status by helping them participate in the local economy.

  • Our partner Solange Gasanganirwa is a researcher at Pole, and she leads the Gender Studies Department. Her primary interests are studying the success of women who run small businesses and mentoring women in business.

  • The radio station at Pole Institute provides a public service. They interview local people about current events and often host people with differing backgrounds and points of view. They also host discussion on public health topics like how to avoid the spread of preventable diseases. This advocacy is essential in a community where access to reliable information is rare.